Sammy's agendaSaturday
- Breakfast
-Vet appointment for acupuncture
-Visit to pet store for treats
- Swim therapy
- Walk
- Home for nap
- Walk
- Walk
- Breakfast
- Appointment with chiropractor (home visit)
- nap
- walk

Me and vet tech Kate. Getting weighed. Dad says I'm getting really heavy. Must be all my big muscles!!
Dr. Crook looked at my ears and other things and said everything is okay.
I got my acupuncture treatment. Sometimes I feel like a porcupine.

After I'm done with Dr. Crook.
Okay it's time to go now.... Mom..... Let's go!!
Here I am at swimming today. Bre is helping me in the pool.
Gotta turn the clocks back tonight. Dr. Jewell is coming tomorrow morning for our chiropractic treatment. It feels really good.
Good night everyone.
P.S. The picture at the top was taken in the summer with a palm tree in my neighbourhood.