Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Presents from HoundDogMom

Oh this is so cool! We participated in Jazzi's Christmas Exchange ( http://www.jazzis-world.blogspot.ca/) and this year, HoundDogMom Sherri and her beautiful kids from Illinois, Winston, Amiee and Bella were our Christmas Santas. You can checkout their terrific blog at: http://hounddogmom.blogspot.ca/

Our package arrived on Christmas Eve, what great timing. 
But our peeps said that we'd have to wait until the morning. Boo!

We'll after an all night stare session, morning finally arrived and along with some other presents that mysteriously appeared under the tree from nowhere, we finally got to open our present. And HoundDogMom literally stuffed it full.

There's toys, treats, beef chews, candles and even peanut brittle for my peeps.

And there was this great card from The Hounddogs as well.

This is one of the nice chewable stuffies that was in the package.

I think this one's broken dad, heh, heh, heh...

See this one's still together.

 This one's mine.

Thank you HoundDogMom and The HoundDogs.

Merry Christmas from your friends up North.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

And then there was...

This is Allen's house. He's got it all decorated with seasonal lawn ornaments and stuff.

It's kind of cool.

But it's missing something...like snow. Well guess what...

Yippee, we have snow!!! And the wind is really blowing. 
Hey dad, you look kind of cold. Heh, heh...you'll warm up if you run :)

Fresh tracks

Stuff smells different with a coat of snow.

Bye from snowy Vancouver :) 

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Some Photos From Our Recent Christmas Shoot

Hi everyone, Kathy Lui (http://www.facebook.com/KathyLuiPhotography) recently came
by our house to do our annual Christmas card photo shoot. We think that it went very well. The photos that were selected for this year's card came from this session. 

Here's a link to her site so that you can view some of our outdoor shots. http://blog.kathylui.com/2012/11/sam-owen-tuvia-and-jetta.html

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Some of My Favorite Things

Hi everyone, I'm sorry that it's been awhile since I last posted something on my bloggie. My peeps have been really busy so they haven't had the time to sit down at the computer to help me write something. I'm still getting lots of attention and treats and I've been given a few more stuffies to "work on". Heh, heh, heh....

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sammy, By The Morning Light

Hi everyone, it's been a little chilly in the mornings up here. Around 35 degrees or so 
and sometimes it's been just around the freezing mark. But we're out having our 
walk before my peeps have to run off to work. If it's not raining, we can watch the sun come up.

It's still a little dark out.

Wait a few minutes and viola, now you can see me.

Oh yeah, here's my sister, Tuvia.

Okay fine dad, we'll cozy up together so you can get
 a picture of us both. Gee things you have to do for your peeps.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Duh!!!! - You Forgot My Raincoat

I like to go for a good walk after my Saturday swims with my friend Bre. That's my mom drying my butt.

Anyways, it's been pretty much raining the past week and today it was raining again. But my mom didn't have time to pack up my stuff, so she left it to my dad to do all that and guess what? Yup, he brings everything else except my raincoat. So my dad being the big whiz with innovation and stuff, decides to make do with a wind-breaker that he'd been wearing and viola, a raincoat of sorts. It doesn't work very well but I guess it's the thought that counts. My dad says it's interesting how water always finds the most sensitive places to make wet so that you're the most uncomfortable you can be.

This is not going to get me into GQ dad.

There's water running down my leg.

My fluffiness is gone.

I think my butt's wet again. Actually everything is wet again.

Oh, thinking of drier days gone by.

What's the weather like at your house?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Happy (late) Birthday

My mom and dad have been crazy busy and they kind of forgot that it was the shelties birthday on Monday. So here's my sister Tuvia (the Princess) and my brother Jetta. They're 8 too, just like us and they're the other side of the family.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fog and Sun

It's been a bit chilly in the mornings when we've gone out for our walks. In fact, it's been kind of foggy.

My dad said that a "headless horseman" will probably come galloping out over there. Where???

Well, things seemed to have cleared up a bit. In fact, it's nice and warm out, in the low 70's. Love the fall season, before the rains start up and my peeps start to complain, especially my dad. Big weiner!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The 1000 yard Stare

Once upon a time, my mom and dad had my great uncles, Max and Wupper. They're both gone now but never forgotten. Twice a year, my peeps get that "1,000 yard stare". It's kind of weird, like they can see something, a long ways off, but just barely. At least twice a year, they get that far-away look and Thursday will be eight years ago that my uncle Wupper passed. He was preceded by my other uncle, Max, who had passed away just ten weeks earlier that year. That was a really tough year for my peeps. Really tough. Wupper was 18 and Max was 15. A good long time many would say. But really, is it ever long enough?



The Boys

Friday, September 14, 2012

It's Our Birthdays - We're 8

Hi everyone, it's our birthday. Eight years ago we were born and Owen and I have been together since. While there were others in our litter, we haven't seen them since we came to live with our mom and dad. We're having a pretty good life, our peeps love us a lot and look after us well. We could do with more bison jerky but that's life. We're glad that we're all together, our little family of six. Happy birthday to us (Sam and Owen).

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

So You Wanna Rumble Eh?

My brother Owen and sister Tuvia, like to wrestle pretty much
 every time they go out in the yard.

Here's a picture of Owen.

Here's a picture of my sister.

So who do you think won that match?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

A Hot Week

Summer seems to have showed up finally and it has been really hot this last couple of weeks.

Here I am trying to stay cool on the tile floor
in the front hallway
Just chillin'

 It's been too hot for me to go on my usual afternoon walkies so my mom has been doing more walking with me in the mornings and the evenings.

Here I am with my night lights on.
Saturday I was at Dr Janice's for my acupuncture.  Mom forgot to take a picture of me before she put me back in the car so here's just a picture of my cart in front of Dr Janice's office.

Then I went for my swim.  I had a break from swimming last week because Bre was away. It was good to see her again.  I like it especially when she wipes my ears and gives me treats after swimming. Yum yum.    She makes me work hard but she gives me massages in the pool and towels me off really well afterwards.

Can you see my face??

After swimming, I went for my regular walk.  It was a bit warm and I had Jetta with me so we didn't go as long as I would have liked but it was still good to get out.

I'm wearing my Cool Coat.
There was  a train going by just behind those bushes.
Mom took me out for another walk later when it was cooler and met up with a little dog in the park. He wasn't too sure about me.  Maybe it was the cart...

Hope everybody's having a good summer!
