Monday, July 16, 2012

A Hot Week

Summer seems to have showed up finally and it has been really hot this last couple of weeks.

Here I am trying to stay cool on the tile floor
in the front hallway
Just chillin'

 It's been too hot for me to go on my usual afternoon walkies so my mom has been doing more walking with me in the mornings and the evenings.

Here I am with my night lights on.
Saturday I was at Dr Janice's for my acupuncture.  Mom forgot to take a picture of me before she put me back in the car so here's just a picture of my cart in front of Dr Janice's office.

Then I went for my swim.  I had a break from swimming last week because Bre was away. It was good to see her again.  I like it especially when she wipes my ears and gives me treats after swimming. Yum yum.    She makes me work hard but she gives me massages in the pool and towels me off really well afterwards.

Can you see my face??

After swimming, I went for my regular walk.  It was a bit warm and I had Jetta with me so we didn't go as long as I would have liked but it was still good to get out.

I'm wearing my Cool Coat.
There was  a train going by just behind those bushes.
Mom took me out for another walk later when it was cooler and met up with a little dog in the park. He wasn't too sure about me.  Maybe it was the cart...

Hope everybody's having a good summer!


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Oh's grooming time

Whisper, whisper...I can hear you guys. I know what you're plotting.

I think that I'm going to be sick.

Yup, I was afraid of this. Kirsten thinks that I have "rock star" hair. I bet she thinks that I look great just the way I am. Besides, other dogs never seem to have to go.

Just a little off the sides please... 

Yikes!! Whoa!! What the *&%!3 I asked for A LITTLE
Omigosh, there's a whole dog in there somewhere.

Can you tell the difference between the photo above and this one?

These are my "after" shots. Can you see the difference? Grrrr.....

Does someone want to adopt me? (but you can't ever take me to the groomers!).