Our friend, Sarge (
gave us a Liebster Award and a nice mention on his blog. We’re thrilled that
others would find our blog interesting enough to read. We hope that we’re able to
bring a smile to your face most days.
Sarge did ask us to list 11 things that folks may not know
about me. It was kind of hard to think of 11 things so we’ll just add to our list from when Aimee (http://aimeeonthemountainside.blogspot.ca/) gave us an award to reduce the amount of heavy thinking :)
1. Before I suffered my injury, I was
pretty much a “couch potato”. I liked to lie around quite a bit. In fact, my
parents gave me a fancy nickname, “Sir Chesterfield of Valiant”, partly because
I used to lie on the couch so much. That all changed during my rehabilitation
when I got my wheelchair from Eddie’s Wheels. I love to get out and walk as
much as possible. Last Sunday, my dad and I, along with my “boat anchor” sister
Tuvia, walked more than 7 miles. Actually we walked from one city into another
and my mom had to come by to pick us up with her car. My dad and Tuvia were too
tired to go back to where we started from.

2. When I was in the emergency
hospital after my disk ruptured. My dad told me that I had suffered a bad
“owie” in my back that wasn't due to anything that I had done or that anyone
had done to me; he said that the doctors were going to try to help me with
surgery but it might “sting” a bit. I said okay let’s do it because I wanted to
stay with my family. I told my dad to not worry, that it would be okay whatever
happened. We’d figure out everything else as we went along.
3. My current wheelchair is actually
my second one. I kind of outgrew my first one because I built up really big
4. Most of my caregivers are female.
Janice (vet), Gail (chiropractor/vet), Lori (laser therapist), Erika (swim
coach), Audrey (groomer) and her sister Debbie and Cari (walking buddy). Then
there are my former walkers, like Kathy S., Debbie M., Mairin, Cathy T. Oh
there’s also Jill (raw food retailer for dogs and cats), my grandmother and my
5. I get brushed and blow dried by
Erika after my weekly swim sessions. I like that part of my swim day the best.
Erika also gives me chicken before I swim a lap.
6. I don’t like the sound of water
splashing around when we’re driving in the rain.
7. I like girls and cats. Not
necessarily in that order.
8. I try to avoid having my face photographed. It makes my
peeps a little crazy.
9. The wheels on my wheelchair are getting bald so I’ll be
getting new tires this year.
10. We’ve been raised on a raw diet - kangaroo and bison
(not at the same time) along with raw vegetables and supplements
11. I have an awesome, sturdy and well-padded red wagon that
my dad pulls me around in now and then.
Thanks again Sarge. I hope that everyone has a good day.