On Thursday my mom and dad and sister Tuvia and I met Miss Sunshade and her mom at Tuvia's agility class. It was really cool to finally meet them.
Miss Sunshade's mom brought us a bag of TRIPE TREATS!! Thank you so much. They are delicious (and stinky).
Duh, mom and dad didn't even remember to take a picture of us together. Well, I guess they are kind of tired after work and can't think of everything. One time they were taking me to Tuvia's class to visit and they were running a little late getting dinner and then loading my wheels and my crate into the car and getting me in, they drove off and left Tuvia at home! Ha Ha Ha! They didn't even notice until they drove down the highway for about 5 minutes. They had to turn around and go back for her. We were a little late for class : 0}