Friday, May 17, 2013

Sunshade and Elaine Fund Update

Hello everyone, thank you to those who have been so generous in donating money to the "Sunshade and Elaine" Fund. As of this post, $300 has been contributed. My dad has asked Sue, Molly and Mitch's mom to help administer the PayPal account that receives the donations. My dad has given Sue full access to the account so that all matters relating to the receipt and eventual disbursement of the funds is "fully above board" and that two people (my dad and Sue) are able to account for each and every penny donated and that will eventually be disbursed to Elaine. Please let me know or Sue know if you have any questions regarding the fund.

Here's a picture of me and Sunshade doing a "meet and greet" at a pool that we both used to swim at. Ah...okay,  ladies first :)

Oh hot dog :)

Thank you to all. We'll keep collecting donations for the next while. I promise to provide regular updates on the grand total raised. If you or someone else would like to contribute to Sunshade and Elaine Fund, please copy and paste the PayPal link into your browser. Thank you.